DENVER, Colorado, July 1, 2015-Dawn Bjork, The Software Pro, and Microsoft Certified Trainer, announced her latest book, Outlook 2013 Tips, Tricks & Techniques. Available in electronic format, this new learning guide is designed to help computer users quickly master using Microsoft Outlook 2013 to manage important email, contacts, appointments, and other key features in Outlook 2013.
“So many people are overwhelmed with daily email,” explained Ms. Bjork. “More than 89 billion business messages are sent out every day, and so, it’s easy to understand why we have so much email to deal with. This book includes best practices as well as step-by-step ways to quickly process and manage your email messages.”
Outlook 2013 Tips Book
Discover tips and techniques on how to overcome email overload and be more productive by writing more effective email messages, reducing the volume of email, and improving how you process and organize your incoming email. Also find out how to best take advantage of other key tools in Outlook 2013 including Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Notes.
The focus in this Outlook 2013 Tips, Tricks & Techniques learning guide is on smart and easy ways to make the most of Outlook 2013: